Thursday 17 December 2009


We've found a  two composers who we've worked with to develop a soundtrack suitable for our film trailer, using 'Dance Ejay' a keyboard and 'Cubase'.
We worked with our first composer Edward Wilson to develop the keyboard basic tune, we then chose a small vocal from 'Dance Ejay'.
Next we worked with Keith Anderson to incorporate thse 2 individual soundatracks to merge on a programme called 'Cubase', where we added some extra Dum beaats as a result of audience feedback; as some of the audience feedback thought it a little too classical on its own, they were however happy with the end soundtrack and thought it worked well; both with the genre of horror and our film trailer.
We have an intertextual link in our soundtrack heared in one of our later consistant drum beats, to the first 'Friday the 13th' film which also has a cast of mainly teens, some of which are sexually active, it was also a suitable choice as we were aiming at the same kind of target audience; 'low budget horror film to teens'

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