Thursday 17 December 2009

shot list

Original shot list

1. Boy 1 and Girl 2 walking towards the camera, holding hands- Long shot/ two shot/ Mid shot
2. All characters + Extras gathered round, with a lot of focus on Boy 1 and Girl 1- Long shot/ Mid shot/ Zoom
3. Girl 1 and Boy 2 sat around a table doing work while Boy 1 is standing outside, glaring into the window- Mid shot/ Zoom/ depth of field
4. Girl 1's friend 1 sat on her sofa watching TV- Mid shot/ Zoom/ friends POV/ External shot
5. Boy 2 behind the door of the friend 1 house, dark figure with a knife- close up
6. Boy 2 moves in towards friend 1 sat on the sofa, shot from behind- mid shot
7. Girl 1's friend 2 running through a wood- panning shot/ mid shot
8. Friend 2 laid on floor (dead) in the wood- slight zoom/ close up shot
9. Girl 1 and Girl 2 sat inside on the sofa- External shot (as though someone is looking in on them) - Long shot
10. Girl 2 leaving the house, walking away from the house- Long shot
11. Girl 2 walking away from the house as Boy 2 walks up behind her and kills her- Mid shot/ POV shot
12. Girl 2 on the ground (dead) - mid shot/ slight zoom/ close up
13. Girl 1 and Boy 1 bump into each other at a shop, Girl 1 jumps and looks scared- Mid shot/ Two shot
14. Girl 1 sat alone in her house, watching TV- POV of Boy 2 (as though someone is watching her) - Long shot/ Zoom
15. Boy 1 stood outside her house, looking into a window- Mid shot/ long shot
16. Girl 1 sat alone, back towards the camera, turns round very quickly, looking very scared- Mid shot/ Zoom

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