Thursday 17 December 2009

Animatic with audience feedback

  Audience feedback for this animatic was:

• Good but should try and include a twist to the story
• Maybe have the geeky guy as the killer instead of the Ex-boyfriend.
• Include more killings than just 1 or 2 to make the genre a thriller.
• Ex-boyfriend to be the good guy instead of the geek.
• Include more of the girls’ friends.
• Hide the disguise of the killer.

This is my Animatic which I produced to help me pitch my idea to the class on which I then had some audience feedback on. This task also enabled me to improve my skills using final cut express.

The audience feedback was:
• To use own pictures/footage and soundtrack
• Although the soundtrack was very effective in pitching the idea
• Come up with a stronger motive for the boyfriend to want to kill his girlfriend

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