Wednesday 18 November 2009



  • • From the process of constructing an animatic I've learnt how to use the technology; apple Macs and the software Final Cut in which us learn how to cut and edit my animatic whilst incorporating transitions, sound and title sequences, I also learnt how to use filters.

• I also furthered my knowledge in learning how to use a digital camera, all of which are demonstrated in our animatics, and SONY handheld video camera in our film trailer.

• When using Final Cut I found it easy to pick up and develop my skills efficiently so was quite simple to use once shown how and exploration of the software had taken place. I discovered this through watching tutorial videos on the internet for Final Cut and also through trial and error.

• I also learnt how to the useful range of tools which is much wider in variety than 'IMovie' the programme we used in the previous year, such as razor, transitions, opening titles, ending credits, filters, effects, shape, and sound effects, which were suitable for a variety of genres.

• However it was sometimes difficult to navigate, I also found it difficult to incorporate sound to specific clips having imported them from Imovie6 as a Quicktime file to Final Cut into the correct positions after cutting and editing. I also found it fairly time consuming when it came to moving all the cut clips around.

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