Monday 28 September 2009

Common codes and conventions of film trailers

  • Music used to impact audience, usualy incidental or emphacise actions which shocks the audience to takeing notice,e.g- Inglorious Bastards the music can also be continuous so that it builds tension slowly as a killer stalks his victimits, also its strong anchorage for the preferd reading of the genre of the film, and is well like by the target audience in mind, eg in Valentine teaser trailler the creepy music picks up to sound more modern as you watch more whilst using a continuous beat and incidental sounds, and sound effects eg screams. The tense music to make your heart speed up and slow down to scare you, also which underlines action, eg knife stabbing in 'Psycho'
  • central protagonist is usually on screen first either with face unseen eg in the shadows or blatantly obvious depending on the genre and trailer/film style.
  • Hand-held/shakey camerawork eg 'Blair Witch Project' is often used to make the audience feel as if they're there in the film more causing them to apply the films more to their own lives this in turn makes the film scarier to watch, and keeps tension high.
  • central protagonist tends to speak first (excluding voicover) but can also remain in shadows or unseen until further on in the trailer this is both to establish the central protagonist quickly so the audience get used to which characters which, and to create further narrative enigma as they may not have been seen yet, howvwer the film is likley to be from thier perspective if not your own.
  • tend to start with slower clips speed up to show body of film, concluding scene of decision of options i.e. problem, solve, solution, conclusion, better known as Todorovs narrative structure of equilibrium-disequilibrim-new equilibrium, this is because alot of horror trailer try and make the audience feel comfortable at first in a false sense of security and are then hit with violence or a loud sound usually in the form of a montage to shock the audience and to get the idea of thee film across quickly without giving the acual plot away.

  • horror-tend to be dark black, with  red or white serif text for titles and companies involved, dark creepy looking images with a twist or partly unseen , to add some narrative enigma ad suspense.

  • tend to be centered around real life ie closer to home makes it more scary for the audience if belivable eg Prom Night is set mainly in a school so is easily relateable to their primary target audience of youth, the social realism aspect of horror films tends to keep the audience scared for longer as well as jumpy during the film.

  • juxtaposition used alot eg jock, geeks, scream queen and final girl- this is partly to reach a wider range of youth target audience, but also just be cause strong juxtapositionis used in many aspects of horror films to shock the audience.

  • eg-Hell Night

  • slow mixed in with lots of quick cuts

  • use of colurs eg blue tint-lighting, black background white writting-stands out, bright red-blood-death violence, text spiky or droopy looking.

  • The three primary colours are generally used as tints as a common convention in horror films, especially blue tint e.g.Halloween, because thse conventions are well known and recognisable they're also used to help anchor the genre of the film.

1 comment:

  1. a post like this would be a natural choice to illustrate with stills from/posters of such films to illustrate your points. your blog should represent the very best of Josie Mears, Media student extraordinaire!
    you'll want to be adding to these observations findings from books/articles you've read as part of your research

